Saturday was rough. There are people who sleep like babies when they're drunk but I seem to be of the kind who tries to suppress nausea the entire night. Even though I slept 9 hours, I felt horrible the next morning, when Magnus called me to tell me that Maddie, him and Karolina were gonna go to the beach. At least he gave me half an hour to get ready and so I just got up, threw on my bathing suit and put on sunscreen. We then took the car down to Scarborough beach. Maddie and Magnus are only here for one semester but they realized quickly that without a car you can be pretty stuck in Western Australia. Each of them paid 1000 AUD which is 530 Euros by now (either the Euro is going down or the AUD is going up). The car is actually in pretty good shape and they're probably resell it when they leave here. Maybe I should have done the same but I am still kinda scared bout driving on the left side. For the whole time I've been living on islands where you drive on the left, I haven't tried it once. I think I should just rent a car when I get back to England and take a trip somewhere....
Anyway, we took the car to Pizza Hut to get some 'breakfast'. The pizzas were ok (I still prefer the germanized Italian one you can get in Germany) but they sated (I learned a new word) my hunger. We then layed down for a while just to be lazy. We had actually come to the beach to watch Judith surf but as we were finishing out pizza, she actually finished her lesson. It was actually kinda chilly that day and we had to warm up in the sun before taking a dip in the water. It was freeeeeezing but swimming in the waves is actually really fun. I think I wanna get a body board. So after the quick dip I just laid down and actually fell sleep in the sun for a bit. That's when I burned my back. I guess I still don't get that even though I've been here for a month the sun can still burn your ass.
After about 2 hours of pure laziness we decided to pack up and drive back home. I'm still trying to realize that we're going into fall now and it's actually getting quite cooler. But on my trip to Exmouth next week (it's all the way up North) it's gonna be about 40 degrees celcius. Funny how things are upside down here (literally). It's actually warmer up North cause it's closer to the equator. Man, that trip is gonna be so awesome. I'll take bout 500 pictures. Even though I'm gonna go with people I don't really know, one of them being a girly girl who's never been camping before, it's gonna be fun and quite adventorous. Hopefully, I won't be bitten by anything poisonous. Anyway... the rest of Saturday I spent watching Malcom in the Middle and just hanging out in my room. That was actually the first time I kinda enjoyed just being in my room.
On Sunday morning I was woken up by Anders calling me about when and where to meet. (The second time I was woken up by a guy calling me... Yay, I'm popular). We were going to V-Festival that day and were supposed to meet at Anders' place for pre-drinks. I took my time to get ready though cause I had no intention to drink that day. I rather wanted to enjoy the music. I just wish I had had a coffee before we left cause the entire time I actually felt tired and listless. However, before I left my room I checked my email and found that our advertizing mid-term exams had already been graded. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that I had gotten 80 fucking per cent. An exam I hadn't studied for and which I almost overslept.... Sometimes the world is good. Anyway, I went over to Anders' place at around 14.00 where I met Justin and Gustav, the two guys who were coming with us. After waiting for everyone to get ready, we then took the bus into the city. I had forgotten that you can't really trust Norwegians with planning anything and it was actually quite unsure if we were gonna make our way to the festival grounds but in the end we asked someone else and so we got there in time.
I don't know how many people were supposed to be there but it didn't look too full. There were 4 stages which had the coolest names. One was called 'This Stage', another 'That Stage', the third 'The Other Stage' and finally 'The Virgin Mobile Stage'. How simple can it be? I'm guessing there were about 50.000 people and 30 bands playing that day. I think that was the only festival that only lasts for a day. It started at around 13.00 and went until 22.15 o'clock. Every band had between 45 and 90 minutes of playing time, depending on how big they were. There were a lot of local Australian bands and then The Kaiser Chiefs, Razorlight, The Killers, Duffy and Snow Patrole. Really big bands, and all I paid for the ticket was 80 Euros. Hmmm... now that I think about it, that's actually a lot if you compare the price to the one of Rock am Ring where you pay 135 Euros for 3 times that many bands and 3 days full of awesome music. Oh well, I went already.
The Kaiser Chiefs weren't supposed to play until 17.00 o'clock and so we just sat around for quite some time, getting food from the very few food stands thay had and drinking alcohol from cans (not me but the guys). Getting food and drinks was actually somewhat of a pain in the ass cause you had to stand in line for 30 minutes just to get some water. I waited even 45 minutes just to get a damn chicken kebab. I think they should have put way more food stands. That was just ridiculous! Anyway... despite the lots of waiting I actually got to see some very cool bands. The Kaiser Chiefs weren't that great, but that might have been cause I didn't know many of their songs. I left quickly and went to 'The Other Stage' to see Razorlight. That must have been on of the most awesome concerts. It is just so much better if you can sing along! The lead singer was so awesome too. He was just totally into it. Jumping around like crazy, singing like a god and even getting into the crowd. Man, that band is awesome!
Then it was time to see the main act. The Killers were last and I think the majority of people at the festival came to see them. Snow Patrole was actually on before The Killers and so I watched them for a bit. Gotta say: they are pretty awesome live. They dedicated each song of theirs to a different band that had played that day, which I found equally funny and cool. The singer was great and they had a wicked stage show with big screens in the back that showed some psychadelic stuff. I think their concert would have been amazing had I been stoned. ;) So after Snow Patrole it was time for The Killers. They weren't bad. The singer is actually better live and the band played well, but I feel like they didn't really connect with the audience. There was no real atmosphere. And I didn't know many of the songs so often I just stood around and listened to them sing.
Also, there was the most annoying guy next to me who kept screaming his head off, bumping into me every 2 seconds. I was about to punch him at one point. AND some dickhead had puked right in the middle of the crowd so for the second half it smelled like the inside of a stomach around us. After The Killers had played all the songs I knew and didn't seem to play more that I could have sung with, I decided to make my way to the back where I bumped into Anders. Since the festival was gonna be over after The Killers finished, we decided to make our way to the train to not having to be stuffed into it with hundreds of drunk people. We didn't even bother to wait for Gustav and Justin who were right in front of the stage and were gonna take ages to get out. Back at Canning Bridge we took a cab home. I just quickly got a movie from Anders and then spent the rest of the night watching 'Pick of Destiny' which is a retarted but musically cool movie. You just have to accredit Jack Black some talent...