Wednesday, February 25, 2009

But I Would Walk 500 Miles, And I Would Walk 500 More

Unfortunatly I had an early one on Tuesday morning and for some reason the night seemed to be especially hot and humid. I wasn't able to sleep pretty much all night and was woken up by singing birds at 7.00 in the morning (maybe they wanted to apologize for not singing me a song on my birthday). So without much sleep I got up at 9.00 and took a shower and got ready. I had a tutorial to attend at 10.00 for which the lecture is on Friday. What I don't seem to understand (but I've been told different) is that sometimes tutorials are BEFORE the lecture but you STILL have to attend them. Being a good student and all I did go to the Advertizing tutorial which turned out to be pretty ok. We didn't really do much but introduce ourselves by name, major, hobbies and the biggest risk we had ever taken. There was one guy (whose name I forgot again) who apparently had already had a gun held in his face cause he had been wasted on vacation, breaking someone's scooter who then called the police. You would think I'd remember the guy's name who tells a story like that but NO... I'm 22 now. No space for stuff like that.
We also got an assigment to do for next week which involved making an ad for new things or inventions which should be introduced to the Australian market. Those inventions included jeans from Miss Sixty which contained little capsules on the inside of the fabric, and which, when touched while walking would open and then free lotion against cellulite. Apparently the jeans is supposed to help you against cellulite if you just wear it. I thought it was bullshit but we had to advertize it anyway. Another invention was dog yoga for the stressed city dog or a handheld machine which interpreted a dog's barking and made it into a text message then sent to the owner so that (s)he knew what was wrong with the pet. I guess the teacher wanted to make it as interesting and challenging as possible. Our group (we were split up into 3s and 4s) had the jeans campaign. I guess our slogan is: let the pants do the work. (wahay!)
Being pretty hungry from not having had breakfast that morning, I went to the Tavern to get brunch. I felt weird sitting there all by myself but I was hungry, so I did. Then I walked back home cause my next lecture wasn't until 14:00. Back home I watched Desperate Housewives again (that show is getting pretty ridiculous but I LOVE it!). At 13.30 then I walked back to campus and went to the lecture for Intro to Broadcasting. The lecture theater wasn't too full but apparently there was some dumbasses (especially the girls sitting behind me) who were sitting in the wrong class and left loudly laughing and chatting. The lecture was pretty boring cause it was more about general uni stuff than anything from the syllabus and I was writing stuff in my diary the entire time rather than listening.
The lecture was over after 1 hour and I gladly left. I got myself a coffee from the library, after wandering around for a little but not knowing where I was (my sense for orientation is STILL shit. Even with 22). Then I walked home where I changed bags and got my camera. 5 minutes later I met up with Anders and Sebastian and we took the bus into Perth to Canning Bridge station (the one whose name I kept forgetting). There we changed to the train and rode into Perth city. We got off at Esplanade and showed Anders the Swan River and the skyline. It was his first time in Perth today. On the way into the city we passed a big grass field where there were about 100 white birds picking the ground. At first we thought it was pigeons but after having had a closer look we discovered that it was all parrots. I don't know if they had escaped from the zoo or if they naturally live around the city but it was pretty cool seeing that many parrots in one spot.
So then we walked around a bit, taking pictures here and there and showing Anders the inner city. After having gotten a map from the tourist info we decided to take the bus up to King's Park, the biggest city park in the world (it's bigger than Central Park). The bus ride took about 20 minutes. From the bus stop we walked another 10 minutes into the park. It was beautiful! There aren't many flowers or such but very awesome trees! It was almost like the Palmengarten in Frankfurt. Appatently thy city had planted many different bushes and trees in the park to preserve the natural habitat and no tree looked like the other. But most of them were awesome for putting tree houses in them. Sometimes I wish I could live in a tree house, since I never had one as a child. Would be SO awesome!
So we walked around the park for a while until we got to THE spot. Beautiful view over almost all of Perth and the Swan River. From there most of the postcard and tourist pictures are taken. Some are uploaded on facebook and there's one included in the blog as well which shows the Perth skyline from up there. We fooled around with the camera for a bit and took some very nice photos. Sebastian has most of them but I hope to get them soon and upload them on facebook.
After about 2 hours of walking around we all got pretty hungry and decided to walk back into the city. We took a very steep road downhill which seemed to be popular among the sports people. Every minute there was another sporty person passing us, running up the hill. It was pretty much as steep as the San Francisco roads so I imagine that it can be a very tough workout. One I will not try while I'm here... I think I will stick to Handball (which hasn't started soon but I'm really looking forward to it). When we got to Perth we walked around for another 30 minutes trying to find a suitable place to eat which wasn't too expensive and didn't serve shit like McDonald's or KFC. I don't know if we picked the wrong day but the ENTIRE city seemed to be shut down. Stores closed, doors shut and lights off. All of us (and especially me) got very frustrated walking around for ages trying to find food. By now our feet hurst cause we had been walking for the entire day.
At the main place we ran into someone Sebastian knew from a city tour he had done earlier. That guy told us that the side of the city we were on was completely closed and that we should cross the main train station and go to Northbridge (THE partying spot in Perth). After having walked up and down about 300 stairs we finally get to Northbridge (quite the sketchy place where you don't wanna walk alone after dark). We then finally found a Chinese place which we were just about to enter when we read that it was closed also. At this point I am really pissed off just wanting to sit down at least. But then we saw this small Pizzeria place. It didn't look too inviting but we sat down anyway. After all they had pizzas for only 13.50 AUS (which is 6.80 Euros). We all got one and I tell you: it was worth the wait! The best pizza I've had in ages. Paper thin dough, with fresh ham and mushrooms. Real Italian pizza. Apparently the place was famous for its pizza because the whole windows were plastered with newspaper articles about the place and there was also pictures showing the owner with the pope. Some of them looked like they were photoshopped but it didn't matter cause the pizza was awesome! I guess for every bad, there is a good! We would have never found that place if Perth city wasn't closed.
After our pizzas the waitress who also seemed to be the owner 'made' us get home-made tiramisu which also came with home-made icecream. YUMMIE! And the whole thing only cost us 11 Euros each. Will have to go there again. Now we know where the good stuff is. We then went home pretty quickly, catching the last train. And since I've been back I've been sitting here writing the blog. I think from now on I will not write blogs as frequently any more and make them maybe a little bit shorter. It seems like I'm writing whole essays here and I gotta save that for the ones that count...
Now I'm going to bed. I've got a three hour lecture tomorrow (which is luckily from 14.00 - 17.00 so I will be able to sleep in) and then I gotta go party. People decided, since they didn't stick around for my birthday, that tomorrow will be my second party. Gotta be up and running for that one. Good nite....

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