Thursday, March 26, 2009

Curtin FM And Noisy Roomies

Unfortunately I didn't have a long night to recuperate from the long and exhausting weekend cause (even though I had the day off) I went to Curtin FM, the community radio station on Curtin campus. They are a station primarily run by volunteer workers and so anyone who finds fun in producing or presenting a radio show can come in to help out. They also offered me volunteer work, which will give me some good experience for my future job as Germany's hottest radio presenter. ;)
Even though the station is very small, it was still very interesting to have a look into how shows are produced and put together. The whole process of completely patching a show together takes about 3 hours and should ideally take place between 9.00 and 12.00 o'clock (cause that's when the afternoon show starts). I was in an office working together with Liesa (a volunteer producer), Jenny (the presenter) and Carly (a full-time head of production), looking up news stories, getting interviewees and making up questions for quizzes. Luckily, Carly had done most of the work on the weekend before and so we didn't really have much to do that morning. Next Monday might be very different though. At 12.00 the show then started and Liesa and me sat in the producer's booth, taking calls, updating the weather and watching over the whole process of the show. Funny how callers call in about the most trivial stuff like telling Jenny that she didn't use a word correctly or how they loves Jenny cause she had a very nice voice. Then again, our listeners (yay, I said our) are 45 plus and will probably not have anything else to do in a day than calling a radio station. All in all, the day was fun and interesting and I hope to get lots of more experience there while I'm here. Gonna be there next Monday again and will actually go every Monday for 6 hours. All the other days I have classes and so Monday is my only free day.
Tuesday I didn't do much except going to classes and watching movies all day. I think that day was just too lazy. Wednesday I went to classes again, but they didn't start until 14.00 o'clock so I could sleep in. Documentary would be SO interesting if we wouldn't watch as much boring stuff and would maybe get a longer break. For a whole of 3 hours of class, Dick (our lecturer... and yes we call them by first name here) only gives us 5 minutes to get food or drinks or take a wee. Those three hours are the worst in the whole week. But it guess it could still be worse than that. lol After the lecture we had our tutorial again in which I kind of embarrassed a presenter cause she didn't know something and when I corrected her it made the point she was tryin to make irrelevant. I felt kinda proud. lol
After the tute I headed straight home to get changed and then walk to handball pratice. This time I took a shorter way and so it took me only 15 minutes to walk there. I am still discovering new short cuts every day (even though I haven't found one yet that only takes me 5 minutes to classes and I don't think such shortcut exists. Unless you were to build underground tunnels). Handball practice was very exhausting this time. We already know that my stamina isn't the best but I am also coming down with a cold and so at some point I wasn't really able to breathe, forcing me to take a break. Then again, we had been runnning for 30 minutes without taking breaks and Ronny (our trainer) was really pushing us. The warm weather also wasn't really helping. However, I made it through training and afterwards we all headed to the tav for a drink and to decide about our team name, colors and our committee. Turns out: I am the new Curtin Handball Club treasurer. WAHAY! Dunno really what I have to do but I guess it'll be fun. :D
Since I hadn't really eaten much all day I got myself some fries and as soon as I put them on the table, all the other guys (Denise and I were the only girls this time) threw themselves on them like vultures. Thank god, they still left some for me. And if they hadn't they would have gotten their asses kicked. (You know me). After a long discussion and many useless name suggestions like Curtin butterflies, Quakkas or Wombats, we kind of decided on Curtin Pandas. I don't really agree with that name and would like to be the Curtin Mosquitos but we're a democracy (and not a cheerocracy haha). We don't know our colors yet but we know that Denise is the chair and Will the vice chair of our club, which is good cause Denise, Will and me are all in the same PR class and will have to design a PR project for the handball club. That's gonna be fun.
Trying to get a drink I bumped into Judith, Karolina, Sebastian, Magnus and Madeleine with whom I then danced a bit. I felt very dressed down cause I was still wearing my training gear, actually looking quite like a hip hopper. However, I got very tired and wasn't feeling all to fresh anyway and so when Denise said that she was gonna be picked up by her boyfriend, I decided to call it a night a head home too. Luckily she was able to take me. You see... around Bently (which is the suburb I live in) it's not really safe to walk around alone (or actually not at all). We've had several attacks where mainly aborigines jump out of the bushes, beating you up and taking all your money. There have also been some murders, but I am not really sure of that. I heard someone say something but I am really hoping that it isn't true. Anyway, not trying to scare anyone here and if I'm not scaring you, I am scaring myself, but I got home safe. Took a long, hot shower, trying to get to bed as soon as possible.
What I seemed to have forgotten is that it was Wednesday, which is a common party day around campus and I was woken up by something bouncing on the floor repeatedly, two floors above me (I SO hate living on the bottom floor). After about 20 minutes of monotonous bouncing I had enough and walked upstairs to tell some people off. However, the 3rd floor claimed that it wasn't them and 2nd floor said that it was coming from upstairs. Now logically there is not 2.5th floor in any building and so I didn't really know who to believe. Hoping that it would end, I went back to bed. I was wrong. About 10 minutes later it started again. This time accompanied with loud screams and sounds of moving funiture. I just thought: What the fuck!!?, took my keys and ran upstairs again, finding some random guy I had no clue who he was, opening the door. I was really pissed off by then and just yelled in their faces. Apparently they were scared of me but aftewards it kinda stopped. Some slight aftershocks but quiet so far....
UNTIL I suddenly hear an acoustic fucking guitar coming from the room next door. I thought I wasn't hearing right. And guess who was in the room next door... My roommate (yes of course) and 3 drunk guys from the 3rd floor. Heaven knows how they got into our flat. Now I was about to blow up. Really screaming in their faces that for the past 2 hours they have been keeping me awake and that I was sort of irritated. Ben (who introcuded himself to me) told me that he was really sorry for having woken me up and not meaning to annoy me. I didn't care and just told them to get the hell out of our flat or I'd call security on their asses. He wasn't a really smart guy cause he kept arguing with me, trying to get my name and to apologize until Alex suddenly opened his door (shirtless of course) asking in the deepest and most heroic voice: NEED HELP!? I almost started laughing... But he finally managed to get them out of our flat and luckily there was no more noise apart from a few heavy stomps which kind of seemed to be directed at me to just piss the hell out of me. WHAT a night... Phew

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