Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Week In 5 Minutes... Or Maybe 20

So after the weekend was actually pretty shitty and very uneventful I kinda lost interest and bock to keep writing. I guess I'm going shorter anyways since days start being the same and nothing really new is happening. This entry combines Monday til Thursday and one.
Monday was just as shitty as the weekend. Stores were closed cause of labour day and I had a day off and really nothing to do except for a meeting with Wendy, my presentation partner for Intro to Broadcast and who isn't as dumb as I thought. We met at the library at 14.00 and after I got a coffee and fries for breakfast (I know) we sat down so I could finish them in the cafeteria which is inside the library (kinda like in Lufbra but they have more food and drinks there). We started discussing how we would go about the interview we have to conduct (and which will be tomorrow) and how to plan the presentation in general. After I finished my fries we went upstairs to look for a book essential for the content. It took us nearly 15 minutes to find the location of one stupid book cause first, the pcs were mindnumbingly slow and sometimes it took 20 seconds until a page was properly loaded... and cause we apparently kept looking for the wrong words but the book wouldn't pop up. Then, when Wendy FINALLY found it (after having gone through a list of 100 books) we noticed that the authors were written wrong on the sheet we had gotten in the lecture. Kind of pissed off... However, we were happy that we found it and so we went to look for it in the shelves. The system is sort of the same as in Lufbra even though a little more confusing. Generally,the library here isn't as well stacked as Pilkington and many books only have one copy which is why most of the students buy their essential reading for 100s of bucks. I'm still trying to get around that by photocopying chapters, loaning them (if they're actually available) or by sharing some with friends. Which reminds me that I still owe Denise 25 bucks.
After we got the books (there were actually 3 copies for this one :D) we tried to find a place to sit down and discuss further procedures. It was only the second week but EVERYone seemed to be studying like crazy cause the library was packed and it took us another 10 minutes until we finally found a booth to sit it. However, we had to be fairly quiet since it was on the quiet floor and the guy next to us actually hushed us at some point (there were holes on the top of the dividers so he could hear anything we said loud and clear. They should install sound proof booths in the library... maybe I should suggest that to someone). However, we discussed the outline of the presentation, finalized some of the quesitons we wanted to ask and decided later that it would be best to go home and do our readings there. I was going to take notes on the report we had to discuss and she was going to do the reading in the book. So we parted ways at bout 16.00 and I went home.
For the rest of the day I was just sitting around stupidly, watching stuff online and chatting with friends. I don't even really remember what I really did. At some point I tried to text bout 20 people to see what they were doing. Some still haven't replied. I invited Sebastian over to watch a movie and so 1 hour later he came and we watched Beetlejuice, one of the weirdest movies ever made. But then again, it's a Tim Burton film and he is screwed up in the head anyways. But I'm really looking forward to the new Alice in Wonderland version he's shooting right now where Johnny Depp is playing the Mad Hatter. That movie is gonna be sick. After we were finished with the film I got ready for bed. And as I was taking of my pants I noticed red spots all over my right thie and my left arm. They were itching like hell and first I thought that it was mosquito bites but it was weird how I didn't really have bites on my left leg. When I went to a pharmacy the next morning they looked at the bites and said that it could have been bedbugs too. Creepy.
On Tuesday I got up early for my Advertitzing tutorial which was interesting cause we had to work out the ad for the new product again (I wrote about that last week). We did that pretty much all class and by the end I joined up with 3 other girls for our presentation (they're all Asian... which is no wonder cause half the international students are from Asia). After the tutorial I decided to skip the Broadcasting lecture and drove into the city instead (on my own). I had decided I needed something new so I made an appointment at the hair dresser to get a cut. It was at 15.00 so I had some time before that to just walk around and do some shopping. I actually tried to look for a bathing suit but didn't find one... AGAIN. -.- I think I'm gonna give up on that already. Cause really, I don't wanna go to an oversize store. Please! OoBut I did find new headphone for my iPod. My other one's I had bough on ebay broke pretty quickly and so I couldn't hear properly on the right plug. But they were only 5 bucks anyway.
So at 15.00 I went to the hair salon and was seated quickly. It wasn't full cause you had to make appointments anyway. She asked me what I wanted but I didn't know except for something new and shorter. So she just thought for a bit and then started cutting. It turned out nice especially cause she blowdried it and put products in my hair. I felt pretty good when I left the place. Problem is, that you NEVER get it the way they do it for you and since I don't even have a blowdryer here, my hair will just annoy me again. I think only really short hair is easy to handle even though even THAT doesn't always do what you want. Vicous cycle. (Does that make sense with the two evens in there? Who knows...)
After the cut I went home even though I managed to not notice that the train I took (it was the right line) didn't stop at the place I had to take the bus from so when I got off one stop later I found myself somewhere strange. I had to take a train back INTO perth but finally made it to Canning Bridge where the bus took off in front of my face. The next one came 10 minutes afterwards but it still sucked. Back at home I didn't do much except get Chinese food and some other stuff at Coles on the way back. I think then I didn't feel too well so I had to wait until my stomache got better to eat dinner (I hadn't eaten since that morning). Meanwhile I did laundry and tried to get rid of my bedbugs. At some point I ate, watched Keinohrhasen (which really is a cute movie) and then a little bit of Ironman and just went to sleep.
On Wednesday I was able to sleep in really late since I only have one lecture from 14.00-17.00. It's the only 3 hour lecture in the most uncomfortable room with plastic chairs and the little folding tables but I think I already mentioned that. So I slept in, had breakfast and went to class where I met Sophie, my presentation partner from the last tutorial. We talked a little and it was nice to also have someone to talk to during the lecture from time to time and not sit there completely alone. The lecture was interesting as always, but just too long. The guy is enthusiastic and all and can explain things well and the films he shows us are good too, but 3 hours in one piece is just exhausting. And now that my tutorial on Thursday got moved to 16.00 I have to attend the one right after class which makes it 4 hours in a row. I guess it's not as hard as a boring lecture.
The tutorial was also pretty alright but we first had to figure out groups for presentations and who does what in which week. That took longer than it should have and I got kinda pissed off cause people just wouldn't help it go quicker. Then we had our first presentation given which was about the 9/11 attack. The girl showed us a documentary called 'Who really attack America' and based on that explained that docus don't represent truth but rather an interpretation of truth. I have to find that docu again somewhere and watch it whole cause we were only able to see the first 7 minutes.
After the lecture I went home and got ready to go out. Wednesday is the night everybody goes out. At some point Chloe came by my window and I let her in. First time she's been to my room. We just talked for a bit while I got ready trying to get volume into my hair which is gonna be a major part of my day from now on (the volume part I mean). Then we went outside and waited for Ram to pick me up. He was bout 15 minutes late and we walked up to the Tav (he brought 2 friends of his). The Tav was packed. It was toga party this time so half of the people had wrapped themselves artfully into whatever was suitable for a toga. Most of the time it turned out to be bedsheets. Some of them even had little bears or other things on it. Ram bought be a drink and so we just stood around for a little and danced to the fairly good music. However, as soon as the DJ started playing old school Hip Hop I lost interest and so we ended up leaving after bout 1 hour.
We walked across campus down to the Waterford pub, where pretty much everyone goes that night as well. Having arrived there we suddenly saw police cars around and Emanuel sitting on the ground trying to cool his face with ice wrapped in a towel. We soon found out that someone (or more around 15 Aborigines) has beaten him and two friends of his up randomly. They had just walked to the pub and were suddenly attacked for no reason. Luckily Emanuel wasn't too bad but his friend was bleeding out of his ears. Turns out that he had a slight concussion and was able to get a few days off from uni. I was pretty shocked watching Emanuel being questioned by security and by the police. I couldn't really do anything and even saying I was sorry felt like shit. At some point Ram decided it would be best to go inside and get distracted since we couldn't help anyone anyway. However, I had lost my mood to party and decided to walk home with Emanuel, Glen, Björn and the rest of the people.
When we came back to campus I bumped into Chloe who was also very concerned to hear that someone she knew had been beaten up for no reason. I stayed outside the office for a little bit cause Emanuel was being examined by the campus nurse. He only had a couple of bruises and a minor cut on his forehead but other than that he was fine. However, he was just starting to sober up and so the pain kicked him, leaving him moaning. He soon went to bed and I then did too, trying not to think about that it could have been us who was beaten up.

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